Wednesday 5 March 2014

Hen Do's and Don'ts!

Rule #1 – Shhh...Mum’s The Word

First and foremost you (as the party planner) need to decide whether the Hen’s mother is going to be invited...and more importantly, whether his mother is going to be invited. While its guaranteed they will have seen it all before, you need to consider which parts of the event you’d like the mum’s to join you for, if any! It’s usually best to invite them to the day time activity and give them the chance to opt out of the evening madness. Unless of course you’d like your mum to enjoy the strippers with you! Don’t worry about offending them, by doing it this way they will feel included and usually get the hint at the end of the day.

Rule #2- Ask The Boss!

Whether it’s a surprise event or the Bride-to-be is organizing it herself, its crucial not to bring anything to the day that wouldn't sit perfectly with the Hen. Remember it’s HER day and she wants to feel like she has an option to have as much/little input as she’d wish. So get a list of her nearest and dearest girlfriends and plan a day that she’ll love but never forget!

Rule #3 – Set The Date!

Planning a Hen Do can be almost as rigorously exhausting and stressful as planning the wedding itself.. So get in there early and be as organised as humanly possible! That means lists, post-it-notes, invitations, itineraries and lots of phone calls! All of which is best helped by setting a date as early as possible!
Rule #4 – It’s not a competition!
If the Stags are planning a weekend in Vegas..That doesn't mean yours can’t be just as fun! Make it personal and exciting, don’t compete with the Stags..You’ll all end up in the same position in the morning anyway!

Rule #5 – Spice it up!

The use of forfeits and rules can be deadly but wonderful! You’ll make memories that will never be forgotten, and some never repeated..
Here are some examples of possible rules and forfeits;
-          Banning the use of certain words.. ‘yes and no’ are interesting choices, you’d be surprised at how many people ‘forget’ the words are banned and are therefore made to drink!
-          Kiss someone old, someone new, someone borrowed and someone blue. This date requires not just nerve but creativity!

Rule #6 – The Hen is still the Bride!

Under no circumstances should things get out of hand enough for the Bride-to-be to do something that will screw up the big day.. My all means have flirty fun with the stripper but as fellow Hens it’s your responsibility not to let it go too far! And if his mother-in-law IS with you... make sure she has nothing but harmless innocence to report back to camp in the morning!

Rule #7 – One hand one drink!

At all times the bride should have a drink in her hand, whether it’s a glass of Pinot or a shot of tequila! There’s no exceptions to this rule..DRINK!

Rule #8 – HAVE FUN! Make a night to remember.

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